Downloadable University Of California San Diego Triton Logo UPDATED

Downloadable University Of California San Diego Triton Logo

Additional Campus Logos

UC San Diego Seal

The UC San Diego seal is used exclusively on collateral for occasions the chancellor attends and initiates. The seal appears on campus diplomas, special event invitations and formalism documents deemed appropriate by the Chancellor's Part. The seal is not available for download or full general campus use.

For questions about apply of the seal, please contact University Communications at

UC San Diego Health Sciences Logos

Wellness Sciences

The Vice Chancellor for Wellness Sciences oversees both the university's clinical enterprise and its medical schools. The Health Sciences logo is intended for use by the vice chancellor's office and for entities that serve both the clinical and academic enterprises.

UC San Diego Health Sciences logos

Clinical—UC San Diego Health

The UC San Diego Health identity is used for the entire clinical enterprise, including major facilities (such as Moores Cancer Eye, Sulpizio Cardiovascular Middle and Jacobs Medical Center) and clinic locations throughout San Diego and Southern California.

Branding for UC San Diego Wellness is managed by Health Marketing and Communications. For more information or to request a UC San Diego Health logo, get to or e-mail

UC San Diego Health logo

Academic Medicine

The beneath sub-brand logos for the university's medical schools (UC San Diego School of Medicine, UC San Diego Skaggs School of Chemist's and Pharmaceutical Sciences and UC San Diego Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science) are applied to entities that are solely affiliated with the academic enterprise.

All designs for impress and digital media for academic medicine should follow the guidelines in this certificate.

To request a School of Medicine, Skaggs Schoolhouse or Wertheim School logo, please contact University Communications at

UC San Diego logos for medical schools

For UC San Diego Health (clinical) guidelines, templates and more than, visit

UC San Diego Higher Logos

Our students are proud of their college. So proud, in fact, that each of the seven colleges has evolved a unique identity. Nevertheless, each college is first and foremost a part of the greater UC San Diego experience. It's our university pride and personality that constitute predominant brand.

The college logos may exist used in impress and digital media produced by and for the colleges and should exist accompanied by the UC San Diego logo in well-nigh cases.

co-branding colleges logos

College Colors

Each higher has their ain unique college color. In almost cases, these colors should be applied to the college logo. While the college colors may exist included equally an accent in collateral, the dominant color scheme should use campus make colors. Some exceptions may be granted for imprinted products, such as apparel. All other design elements, such as typefaces, graphics and the UC San Diego logo, should follow the guidelines in this certificate.

Co-Branding Colleges

When pairing the UC San Diego logo with a college logo, the infinite betwixt the logos should be equal to two cap heights (the height of the "U"). The rule line should exist equal in width to the dominion line below the campus logo and should extend 1 10 height (the height of the "a") above and beneath the superlative of the campus logo.

UC San Diego logo with co-branding colleges logos

UC San Diego Athletics Logos

With a proud tradition of academic and athletic excellence, UC San Diego Athletics plays an important role in increasing our visibility on a local, regional, national and global scale. A consequent make is therefore essential to help define and reinforce who we are.

The UC San Diego Athletics marks are primarily used to represent UC San Diego Athletics. They can also be used in student- and spirit-related applications. These marks are non to be used in place of the UC San Diego logo as an official identifier of the campus.

UC San Diego Athletics logo UC San Diego Tritons logo

Additional Campus Logos

Following are additional official logos identified with UC San Diego.

Extension Logo

The UC San Diego Extension logo is intended for use in impress and digital media produced by and for Extension.

For more data on Extension branding, delight contact Manager of Marketing and Business organisation Development, Jericho Lopez, at

UC San Diego Extension logo

The Preuss School UC San Diego Logo

The Preuss School UC San Diego is a unique lease middle and high schoolhouse for low income students who strive to become the first in their families to graduate from college. The Preuss Schoolhouse logo is the master graphic identifier of the school and is intended for utilize in print, web, video and all other mediums produced by and for the schoolhouse.

For more data about The Preuss School brand, please contact University Communications at

Preuss School UC San Diego logo

Scripps Institution of Oceanography Logo

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography logo captures the stardom of Scripps Oceanography with its global perspective of ocean, earth and atmosphere inquiry and instruction.

For more than information on Scripps Institution of Oceanography branding/marketing, contact Scripps Communications at

Scripps Institution of Oceanography logo

Birch Aquarium Logo

Birch Aquarium at Scripps is the public exploration centre for the earth-renowned Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The Birch Aquarium logo is the primary graphic identifier of the aquarium and is intended for use in impress, spider web, video and all other mediums produced by and for the aquarium.

For more information well-nigh the Birch Aquarium brand, please contact Jordann Tomasek at

Birch Aquarium logo


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